Reser's Fine Foods Inc logo

Reser's Fine Foods Inc

15570 SW Jenkins Rd Beaverton, OR US 97006

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As one of the country’s largest family-owned and -operated prepared foods businesses, it may be hard to imagine our humble beginnings in the rural farmhouse kitchen of Mildred and Earl Reser. It was 1950 when Mildred began perfecting her own potato salad and selling it as Mrs. Reser’s Salads to various local stores in order to supplement the family income. Little did she know she was laying the groundwork for a brand now known to families across the nation to be synonymous with good food, good people, and good times.

Fleet Details

Type Tractors Trailers Trucks
Owned 0 0 128
Leased 0 0 0


  • Refrigerated Food

Truck Types

  • Reefer

Shipment Types

  • Full Truckload
MCS-150 Mileage
2,100,969 (2023)


This information was provided by Reser's Fine Foods Inc

Primary Operating Area Headquarters



FMCSA authority status
Common Active — 10/01/2024 (4 months, 2 weeks)
Carrier operation
Cargo authorization

Safety Violations

Type Total Severe Out of Service Measure Percentile
Vehicle Maintenance 70 2 13 2.38 18.9%
Unsafe Driving 5 2 0 0.6 7.5%
Hours of Service Compliance 8 1 2 0.26 16.1%
Driver Fitness 5 4 4 0.18 21.6%
Controlled Substances 2 1 2 0.11 19%

Accident Report

Type Last 6 Months 6-12 Months ago 12-24 Months ago Total
Fatalities 0 0 0 0
Injuries 0 0 0 0
Tow-away 1 0 2 3
Crash Reports 1 0 2 3


Type Inspections OOS Inspections OOS Percentage National Average
Driver 130 7 5.38% 6.67%
Vehicle 107 14 13.08% 22.26%

Insurance Coverage

Insurance Type
BIPD (Primary)
Company Name
Arch Insurance Company
Policy Limit
Policy Number
Effective Date

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